Ahmed Mohamed Osman
About Candidate
As Ahmed i can work with team and with out team in the harsh environment inn the scope of Climate change, Food security and livelihood development and Environmental issues.
I have completed my secondary school in the year of 2011 at Al-Massal madina.
I have graduated in the degree of Crop production and Environmental Management from Amoud university in 2015.
I have awarded master degree of Climate change and Environmental Sustainability from Amoud university in 2019.
Work & Experience
Currently lecturer at Hormuud and Salaam universities.
In 4th of June 2018 assessment report on the effects of the impact of Cyclone Sagar on Baki and Rugi districts.
From 2018-2019 Assistant Agronomists at Modern Agriculture Development Organization (MADO).
February In 2013 I have worked with a group of students for participating rural appraisal (PRA). We made a report book which was its aim to appraise the livelihood of those families live in Sabo Wanag village, Dila district, Awdal region, Somalia in May 2013.