CTG overview |
CTG staff and support humanitarian projects in fragile and conflict-affected countries around the world, providing a rapid and cost-effective service for development and humanitarian missions. With past performance in 17 countries – from the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Asia, we have placed more than 20,000 staff all over the world since operations began in 2006.
CTG recruits, deploys and manages the right people with the right skills to implement humanitarian and development projects, from cleaners to obstetricians, and mechanics to infection specialists, we’re skilled in emergency response to crises such as the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Key to successful project delivery is the ability to mobilise at speed; CTG can source and deploy anyone, anywhere, in less than 2 weeks and have done so in 48 hours on a number of occasions.
Through our efficient and agile HR, logistical and operational services, CTG saves multilateral organisations time and money. We handle all our clients’ HR related issues, so they are free to focus on their core services.
Visit www.ctg.org to find out more |
Overview of position |
Nature of the consultant:
- Service providers mapping & partnership engagement to assist vulnerable returnees with economic, social & psychosocial reintegration support under MPRR – SSA in Somalia & promote the sustainability of the program.
Project context & scope:
- In recent years, countries in Sub Saharan Africa have faced complex situations, conflicts & protracted security crisis, climate change & environmental degradation, food & nutrition crises, demographic pressure, increased competition over resources, as well as epidemic risks. All of these are a source of instability for the region & acts as a risk multiplier exacerbating pre existing vulnerabilities. Since 2015, the EU & African countries have reinforced their joint approach to migration management, improving cooperation to address irregular migration, migrant smuggling & trafficking in human beings while developing at the same time a more sustainable approach to harness the potential of migration as a fundamental driver for inclusive & sustainable development in countries of origin & transit in Africa.
- Following successful implementation of the EU & our clients Joint Initiative (JI) for migrant protection & reintegration, the Migrant Protection, Return & Reintegration (MPRR) program continues addressing some of the most pressing challenges relating to migration & mobility between the EU & the African continent, within the African continent the dire situation of migrants who find themselves stranded in dangerous situations along the migratory routes. These migrants face significant protection risks along migration routes, including violence, exploitation & abuse at the hands of smugglers, traffickers & others.
- Somalia is a transit & host country for thousands of migrants across transit points, particularly Ethiopian migrants. At the same time, Somalia is a country of origin for Somali youths embarking on dangerous migratory routes transiting across Ethiopia & Sudan to reach Europe via the Mediterranean route. According to Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Libya, 1,700 Somali migrants were stranded in Libya as of February 2024. According to the report, over 50% are exposed to different forms of violence, exploitation & abuse coupled with challenging economic conditions to earn a living prior to continuing their journeys to cross the Mediterranean route. To address these vulnerabilities, the MPRR program offers access to protection services, including voluntary return support in coordination & collaboration with the Somali Embassy in Libya.
- Upon return to Somalia, the MPRR program offers returnees post arrival & reintegration support, along social, psychosocial & economic dimensions. The program promotes assistance through partnership & referrals with both government & non government actors to ensure a more sustainable & locally owned reintegration approach. In Mogadishu, the Office of the Special Presidential Envoy for Migration, Returns & Children’s Rights (OSPE) is at the forefront of providing returning migrants with reception at the airport with support from our client & UNHCR to respond to immediate protection needs in the transit centre. In Somaliland, the program steering committee led by the National Displacement and Refugee Agency (NDRA) reaches migrant returnees & facilitates reintegration support from our client under MPRR – SSA. Under the EU & our clients JI, our client ha commissioned a community profiling & service provider mapping in areas of high return, namely Mogadishu, Hargeisa & Bossaso.
- To ensure returnees under MPRR receive complementary economic, social & psychosocial support in main areas of return & to contribute to the sustainability of the program, the consultant will use the data from the mapping exercise conducted under the EU & our clients JI to facilitate formal partnerships between our client & potential service providers from international non government organizations, technical cooperation agencies, government actors, local non governmental organization, private sector & other stakeholders in the Banadir region (Mogadishu) & Somaliland (Hargeisa, Burao & Borama).
Organizational department / unit to which the consultant is contributing:
- The consultant will contribute to the work of the MPRR team at our client office in Somalia, with the main objective of engaging with service providers to facilitate formal partnerships to provide complementary reintegration assistance in the form of economic, social & psychosocial support to achieve sustainable reintegration.
Role objectives |
Following the below specific objectives guiding the assignment, the consultant will carry out the phased deliverables in the below table:
- Desk review of previous service mapping reports, particularly sectors contributing to economic, social & psychosocial dimensions in the target areas (i.e. Mogadishu & Hargeisa) using the mapping exercise conducted under the EU & our clients JI including any other relevant reports & material, such as the report on the findings of the regional MPRR – SSA NRM workshop conducted in Senegal in October 2024, the GIZ facilitated service directory for Hargeisa & others.
- Develop a list of potential service providers both government & non government actors under the overall guidance of our client & the MPRR program steering committee.
- Engage with identified service providers & facilitate formal partnership between our client& service providers in the form of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU),low fee Implementing Partner (IP) agreements or other contractual arrangements as applicable.
- Consult relevant stakeholders in Somaliland, in particular NDRA & the MRC on the way forward of a state led referral mechanism for returnees (& migrants) & if possible agree a roadmap on a way forward.
- Develop referral chart, directory & tools to realize service delivery to address immediate, medium & long term vulnerabilities of migrant returnees under MPRR – SSA linking our client & service providers in Hargeisa & Mogadishu.
Phase |
Deliverables |
Duration (in weeks) |
Phase I |
Kick off & simple inception meetings with our client & introduction to field teams to collaborate on the assignment in Hargeisa & Mogadishu using the mapping exercise conducted under the EU & our clients JI & any other relevant reports |
2 weeks |
Desk review & inception report preparation incorporating relevant services available under the economic, social & psychosocial reintegration dimensions
Engage with government stakeholders to understand gaps in the GIZ referral directory, its operationalization & understand readiness in crafting NRM in the long term to ensure sustainability of reintegration assistance to returnees in Somaliland, if possible, agree on a roadmap with the government for the development of such referral mechanism |
2 weeks |
Phase II |
Draft first section on services & service providers (UN, INGOs, local etc.) offering economic, social & psychosocial services with details informed on core services, location, contact details, potential beneficiaries in the target locations building on previous service provider mappings, in particular the one conducted under the EU & our clients JI whilst identifying new service providers that might not have been considered in previous mappings |
5 weeks |
Phase III |
Engage with core service providers that provide relevant, quality, cost efficient services & facilitate official partnership (in the form of MoU’s, IP agreements or other contractual arrangements) between our client & service providers in Mogadishu & Hargeisa
Develop referral charts, directories & other relevant tools such as reporting templates to initiate referral support to vulnerable migrant returnees assisted under MPRR – SSA in Hargeisa & Mogadishu |
7 weeks |
Phase IV |
Submit final report annexing MoU’s & referral charts to designated focal points from our client in Somalia |
2 weeks |
18 weeks |
Project reporting |
- This role reports to the line manager.
Key competencies |
- Bachelor’s degree in migration studies, international development, human rights, social work, sociology, preference will be given to applicants holding master’s in same field.
- Minimum 3 years of professional experience in migration management, human rights, protection of migrants, victims of trafficking in Somalia, Somaliland, Puntland & in the Hon of Africa.
- In depth understanding of international migration frameworks & partnership.
- Familiarity with the migration context & challenges in Somalia & Somaliland or similar contexts.
- Proven experience in policy analysis, research & development.
- Strong analytical & problem solving skills.
- Excellent communication & interpersonal skills.
- Ability to work effectively in a multicultural & multidisciplinary environment.
- Fluency in English & Somali language is required; knowledge of other languages would be an advantage.
- Inclusion & respect for diversity respects, promotes individual & cultural differences, encourages diversity & inclusion wherever possible.
- Integrity & transparency maintains high ethical standards & acts in a manner consistent with organizational principles / rules & standards of conduct.
- Demonstrates ability to work in a composed, competent, committed manner & exercises careful judgment in meeting day to day challenges.
- Develops & promotes effective collaboration within & across units to achieve shared goals & optimize results.
- Produces & delivers quality results in a service oriented & timely manner, is action oriented & committed to achieving agreed outcomes.
- Managing & sharing knowledge continuously seeks to learn, share knowledge & innovate.
- Takes ownership for achieving the organization’s priorities & assumes responsibility for own action & delegated work.
- Encourages, contributes to clear & open communication; explains complex matters in an informative, inspiring & motivational way.
Team management |
- This role has no team management responsibility.
Further information |
The following indicators & means of verification will be employed over the duration of this assignment:
Phase |
Deliverables |
Indicator |
Means of verification |
I |
Kick off / inception meeting
Desk review
Stakeholder interview & produce a roadmap for the development of NRM |
No. of meetings held
No. of new services providers identified |
A brief note (max 2 pages) for the inception meeting
Draft contextual analysis using existing literature |
II |
Produce initial section linking context & introduction on available services per location with a list of service providers & description of nature of services |
No. of service providers identified according to social, psychosocial & economic reintegration dimensions |
Draft section |
Facilitate partnership with selected service providers
Signature of MoU’s & annexing referral charts & report templates |
No. of partners engaged
No. of MoU’s negotiated & / or prepared |
Comprehensive second section with potential services, partnerships etc.
Annexing MoU’s, referral charts & reporting templates |
IV |
Consolidation of sections & producing final reports subject to approval
Organize final workshop with service providers |
Final reports submitted |
Final document incorporating information on inception, mapping & partnership in the selected locations |
- Travel to Mogadishu & / or Hargeisa, depending on the candidate’s home station, will be necessary & our client will cover travel, accommodation & meals.
Other information:
- Qualified female candidates are encouraged to apply for this role.
· At no stage of the recruitment process will CTG ask candidates for a fee. This includes during the application stage, interview, assessment and training.
· CTG has a zero tolerance to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) which is outlined in its Code of Conduct. Protection from SEA is everyone’s responsibilit
· CTG encourages all candidates applying for this advertisement to ensure that their candidate profile is up to date with up to date experience / education / contact details, as this will help you being considered further in your application for this role.
Apply this job via this link
LINKEDIN : https://www.linkedin.com/company/86580313/admin/
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/realjobgater
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TIKTOK : https://www.tiktok.com/@jobgater