TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) Development of Nutrition and Mortality Monitoring System (NMS) to support Caafimaad+ Consortium in Somalia

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Job Description


Caafimad Plus is a consortium comprised of five INGOs namely; Action Against Hunger (Lead Organization), Concern Worldwide, International Medical Corps, Trocaire and SOS Children’s Villages in partnership with three National organizations – Juba Foundation (JF), Shabelle Development Community Organization (SHADCO), Lifeline Gedo (LLG), and Youthlink Somalia. Funded by European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), the consortium implements life-saving health and nutrition interventions, serving hard-to-reach people in South and Central Somalia. Caafimad plus Consortium operates in 23 districts across 8 regions in Somalia.

The consortium will be undertaking a Nutrition and Mortality Monitoring assessment among newly internally displaced persons that will serve as a vital tool for assessing, monitoring, and responding to nutrition and mortality issues among displaced communities in Somalia. This will support evidence-based decision-making, facilitates early intervention, and contributes to improving the health and well-being of populations at risk. 


The purpose of this Nutrition and Mortality Monitoring Survey (NMS) Consultancy is to provide specialized expertise and services in conducting surveys related to nutrition and mortality monitoring. 


The main objective of this assignment is undertake real-time monitoring that enables timely detection of changes in nutrition and mortality trends, facilitates early response, and helps prevent further deterioration of health conditions.

Specific objectives

         i.            Provide evidence-based insights into the needs of the population surveyed that will guide the development of appropriate interventions to address nutrition and mortality challenges.

       ii.            Develop an NMS system for that informs Caafimaad+ ongoing operational response to drought-affected communities, in order to improve and inform operational decision-making.

     iii.            To provide real-time data that would be shared with key stakeholders and provide learning for the wider humanitarian community.

     iv.            Provide technical assistance to the Consortium’s Program and M&E Team with the design, study implementation, analysis, and dissemination of this monitoring data.

       v.            Build capacity of Caafimaad+ consortium to develop a skilled team capable of sustaining the NMS and adapting the system to other aspects of implementation.


To achieve the above-mentioned objective, the survey consultant will undertake the following:

·         Develop Caafimaad+ health, nutrition, and mortality surveillance system to provide, collated, and quality assured information on the status of vulnerable populations, including newly displaced populations migrating to the major urban IDP settlement sites (Mogadishu, Baidoa, and Dollow).

·         Build capacity of Caafimaad+ staff on integrating critical health and nutrition data from key sentinel sites into a real-time monitoring system to increase its utility and effectiveness in identifying hotspots in the long-term.

·         Build capacities of Health & Nutrition Technical Working Group (TWG) and field teams on longitudinal data collection and analysis.

·         Establish capability to gather monthly digital data that can be utilized to inform the humanitarian response to the crisis in the selected areas.

·         Develop formats for dissemination of results to key stakeholders such as the Health Cluster, Nutrition Cluster, Donors, Ministries of Health, etc. 


The proposed consultancy will last undertaken in five (5) cycles from November 2024 – May 2024; this is inclusive of all the processes of the investigations from the day the contract is signed to the report submission day.

NB: The Consultant should communicate any unforeseen delays, which might affect the completion date as stated above.

Expected Output

At the end of the assignment, the consultant should deliver:

§  Validated NMS protocol by AIM Working Group.

§  A final report indicating how each of the above outputs has been achieved including reporting and capacity building of the staff.

§  A PowerPoint presentation summarizing the key sections of the report and the recommendations.

§  All the hard copy data collected (to be kept at Consortium Management Unit) and copy of soft data collected and used for the report.

§  A field report indicating the process, challenges faced for future improvement.

Skills and Qualifications

Education (knowledge):

§  PhD or MSc in Public Health, Nutrition, Health Economics, or a related field


§  More than 10 years of experience in research in humanitarian context

§  Previous experience in Health and Nutrition assessments in Somalia or similar the context.

§  Expertise in Health and Nutrition information systems

§  Strong and high-level experience in building and maintaining partnerships and drive to achieve results for impact.

§  Excellent writing skills demonstrated through peer-reviewed publications

§  Experience with presentation to Donors, Clusters, and other key stakeholders

Skills and Abilities:

§  Strong English skills both oral and written. Strong oral skills in Somali language will be an added advantage

§  Very good report-writing skills demonstrated in previous work

§  Understanding of Somalia health system and Clusters is an advantage.

§  Consultant who can access the community is highly desirable.


The consultant(s) will be based in Mogadishu, Baidoa, and Dollow during the period of assessment. The Consultant will be responsible for initial preparations including development of assessment protocol, presentation of protocol to AIMWG, survey teams’ trainings and subsequent data collection.

Administrative responsibilities are assigned below:

Caafimaad Plus

§  Airfare to and from Mission

§  Entry visa to country of mission

§  Domestic transportation

The Consultant

§  Domestic Accommodation

§  Health Insurance for him/herself

§  Equipment for use (Laptop etc.)

§  Food/per diem.

How to apply

§  Interested applicants who meet the above requirements should submit the following:

§  CV & cover letter demonstrating capability and availability; Telephone and email contacts of at least three previous clients who can validate technical expertise.

§  A technical proposal detailing how S/he plans to implement the coverage assessment.

§  Financial proposal for the entire consultancy (this includes a detailed breakdown of human resource and security related costs)

§  A detailed work plan indicating the activities for the entire NMS.

Applications should be sent to the following email address: procurement@so-actionagainsthunger.org  with the subject as CONSULTANCY- NMS- Caafimaad Plus 2025.



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